The Science & The Spirit:

Chronic Illness Guide

Do you feel helpless to guide your Chronic Illness clients?

Are you struggling to find the right information to help yourself or others?

Do you both feel there is more to the story, but clueless as how to unpack it?

Chronic Illness equally baffles the Medical Community and its Patients

Many Patients feel they have tried everything to no avail

You want to learn more, but don’t know where to turn

As a Chronic Illness survivor and Trauma Specialist, I have unique perspective and understanding of the challenges, subconscious causes, impacts and solutions to moving beyond Western Medicine and talk therapy

I want all everyone to have access to holistic solutions when all else has failed

I want all Therapists to feel they have the tools to assist no matter their background

You don’t have time to read 10 books or take multiple courses

This is why I have created this unique course and format, to make things EASIER for you


Course features:

25 Daily Emails you can read in 10 minutes or less

Delivered to your inbox on weekdays for 5 weeks

Recordings for easy streaming

Guided exercises

Invaluable Holistic Resources